Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen I. Mintegia
I Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
I Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i D'Espais Naturals Protegits
Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen I. Mintegia
I Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
I Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i D'Espais Naturals Protegits
National Environmental Education Center, Valsaín (Segovia), from 6 to 8 March 2002
Rosario Toril. Documentation Center of CENEAM.
Montserrat Grabolosa. Documentation Center of the Natural Park from Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa. General Directorate of Natural Heritage and Physical Environment. Environment Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
This seminar held in CENEAM (Valsaín, Segovia). It was also organized by CENEAM and Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (Environmental Ministry), with the collaboration of Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural y Medio Físico del Departamento de Medio Ambiente de la Generalidad de Cataluña (General Management of Natural Patrimony from Environment Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia).
The idea of organizing this seminar appeared with a questionnaire that Centro de Documentación of CENEAM. They sent it in 1988 to the Centros españoles de Documentación Ambiental (Spanish Centers of Environmental Documentation) to make a Board of this kind of Center. This work will ease the labor of experts and users. With this work, it became clear:
This first idea got stronger through similar work in the field of protected spaces carried out by the Documentary Center of the Garrotxa Natural Park.
The objectives which this meeting followed were as follows:
The participants were experts who focused on the management of Documentation Center, specialized on the environment and-or natural protected places. In the Selection process, an attempt was made to include as many Autonomous Communities as possible. However, it is true that some Communities are appreciated a mayor consolidation. We can find several Centers with good funds and abundan services, such as Catalonia and Madrid; and we can also observe in other Communities either there is no information unit in environmental area— or they have neither the means nor the personal to carry it out. In this first seminar, we tried Centers comes from Public Administration. Their purpose was to make the collaborations easier and because, in general, public centers are better equipped than privates (that means that public center are more generous with their sources).
To a large extent, the contents of this seminar were:
The contents of the seminar are dealt with both in the debates and working groups and in the papers presented, which were as follows:
- Gestión y organización de la información en el Centro de Documentación y Biblioteca del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Carmen Casal. Centro de Documentación del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
- Internet como medio para difundir información medioambiental. Claudi Cervelló. Responsable de Información del Departamento de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat de Catalunya
- Estrategia de difusión de información y documentación de EUROPARC-España. Los CDENP en el marco del Plan de Acción para los espacios protegidos del Estado español. Javier Puertas. Europarc-España
- Aplicación de un sistema ISO de calidad en nuestros centros de documentación. Nuria Balagué. Subdirectora del Servicio de Bibliotecas de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona [ponencia 1] - [ponencia 2]
- Financiación de proyectos europeos y nacionales: pasos a seguir para su presentación. Francisca Hernández. Directora del Centro de Documentación de la Residencia de Estudiantes
In terms of experiences, some of them were:
- Information and document management
- Coordination experiences of Documentation Centers
- Experiencias de implantación de la ISO 9002 de calidad
Some of the suggestions and obligations adopted are:
For any additional information, please, contact the Centro de Documentación de CENEAM - Correo-e:
Catalan version - Correo-e: