Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen II. Mintegia
II Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
II Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i D'Espais Naturals Protegits
Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen II. Mintegia
II Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
II Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i D'Espais Naturals Protegits
National Environmental Education Center, Valsaín (Segovia), from 24 to 26 September 2003
Rosario Toril. Rosario Toril. Documentation Center of CENEAM.
Montserrat Grabolosa. Documentation Center of the Natural Park from Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa. Environment Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
This second edition of the Seminary was also celebrated in CENEAM (Valsaín, Segovia). It organized by National Environmental Education Center (CENEAM) from Environment Ministry with the collaboration of General Management of Natural Patrimony from Environment Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
In this second edition, the following objectives intended to strengthen:
Participants have been experts associated with Especialized Documentary Centers management in environment and-or natural protected spaces. Following the first edition, the majority participation of these members in the second edition was considered essential. We also wanted to allow other Entities, which permits us to stretch our vision and enrich the Seminar's contributions. Another opinion was the geographical origin. That was because we wanted more representatives from the Autonomous Communities and an interest in showing some experiences.
The content structure has changed in this edition since we have adjusted to the rules established for the Permanent Seminars organized by CENEAM: more participation of the attendees and less presence of speakers. In addition, it considered that these speakers should be people from outside the group attending the Seminar. This year, we have established two blocks of experiences— one aimed at collection, information, and knowledge management and the other oriented to the functions and services of a Documentation Center. There presented two talks on digital libraries and digitalization. These presentations have used so that each participant could ask questions or raise doubts to the speaker. These presentations were the following:
A numerous experiences were told and finally presented the following: