XIV Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas

  • Names

    Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen XIV Minitegia
    XIV Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
    XIV Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i d´Espais Naturals Protegits
  • Place and dates

    Grupo de participantes XIV Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental

    CENEAM, Valsaín (Segovia), ), from 6th to 8th May 2015

  • Coordination

    Rosario Toril. Documentary Center from CENEAM. 

    Montserrat Grabolosa. Natural park Zona Volcánica de Garrotxa. Generalitat of Catalonia.

  • Introduction

    XIV edition of the Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental y Espacios Naturales Protegidos has brought together 45 experts from 15 Autonomous Communities that develop their activities in documentary centers and libraries of the Spanish State. As in previous years, CENEAM, which is part to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, was the organizers, in collaboration with the Documentary Center of the Natural Park of the Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa, from Generalitat of Catalonia.

    There were communications on the geographical positioning of cultural heritage in protected areas, digitization of collections, bibliographic resources for climate change, legal sources, institutional repositories, proactivity of professionals, fees for providing environmental information, dissemination policies and promotion of publications, the balance of the I Jornadas de documentación ambiental de Cataluña (I Conference on Environmental Documentation of Catalonia) and activities to mark important anniversaries this year. It also conducted two workshops: Online Surveys and Wikipedia. In the working groups they discussed different topics and watched videos of the centers.

    They also presented the 2014-2015 report and the proposals for action for 2015-2016.

    Soria Natural participated in the coffee break of the seminar. Thanks to the collaboration of the Segovia Tourist Board, it was possible to have a guided tour of the Aqueduct, as it conducted. And the excursion “Landscapes of War" was led by Antonio Moreno.

  • Seminar development

    Sesión de trabajo en el seminario

    Wednesday, 6th May 2015

    After the welcome by Mr. Juan Carlos Dueñas, the coordinator of the CENEAM Permanent Seminars, the new participants and leaders of the Center were introduced: Francisco Fernández (MAGRAMA, Madrid), Liduvina Calatayud (Mediacciona, Valencia), Mª José Gallego (Community of Madrid), Mª José Borràs (Botanic Garden of Valencia), Salomé Quintela (Islas Atlánticas NP, Galicia), Mª José Salvador (Centro de Documentación de Espacios Naturales Protegidos. UAM, Madrid), Ana Dobarganes (CEDREAC, Cantabria), Ana Mª Nieva (University of Navarra), Irene Hernández (University of Las Palmas, Canary Islands) and Dulce Merino (Timanfaya NP, Canary Island).

    They presented the following messages and experiences:

    • Geoportal: el patrimonio cultural de nuestras áreas protegidas. Javier Puertas. Europarc-España (Europarc Spain).
      He presented this environmental information service, funded by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports), in collaboration with almost all the Autonomous Communities. 
    • Digitalización de obras de la biblioteca del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales y su difusión. Isabel Morón. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC (National Museum of Natural Sciences. Superior Council of Scientific Research)
      The SIMURG project was presented: Digitization of historical works of the MNCN de Madrid (National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid), objectives, methodology and dissemination. 
    • Recursos bibliográficos de la ONU y el cambio climático. Chelo Pons. Biblioteca Depositaria de las Naciones Unidas. Universitat de Valencia (Depository Library of the UN. University of Valencia)
      Several interesting resources on climate change and resolutions from UN were presented, and how to reach them without getting lost.
    • Proactividad en el trabajo en una biblioteca especializada: un hábito para crecer personal y profesionalmente. Eduardo Molina. Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Desarrollo Rural. Junta de Andalucía (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Regional Government of Andalusia)
      Lecture on reflection and strategies to be effective at work and overcome adversity,, based on the book 7 hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva by Stephen R. Covey. 


    Then we continued with a workshop on online surveys, given by José Pino from the Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada (Sierra Nevada National Park), where we learned how to conduct survey using templates, thanks to some vídeos tutoriales.

    Thursday, 7th May 2015 

    • We started with the conference about “Las tasas por suministro de información ambiental y el cumplimiento del Convenio de Naciones Unidas sobre acceso a la información ambiental (Convenio de Aarhus).”Montserrat Tafalla. CRAI Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Barcelona (Learning and Research Resource Center. Law Faculty. University of Barcelona)
      We discussed background information and she provided an overview of the new 2014 fee schedule and Spain’s compliance with the Aarhus Convention. Several questions were raised by the participants and discussions were also held on this topic.
    • Vídeo sobre la Red de Centros de Documentación de la Red de Parques Naturales de la Diputación de Barcelona. Josep Melero
      It presented a new dissemination video showing some of the centers of this network of Catalan centers and how they operate.
    • Política de distribución y promoción de publicaciones del MAGRAMA. Francisco Fernández. MAGRAMA. (Agriculture, Fishing and Food Ministry).
      He began with the RD 118/2001 of the official publications, and they revised l Plan General de Publicaciones (I General Publication Plan) and the strategic lines of the Plan Editorial del MAGRAMA (Editorial Plan of MAGRAMA). 
    • El Repertorio de Legislación Ambiental de la Comunidad de Madrid. Acceso a documentos públicos en internet. Mª José Gallego y Sara García. Comunidad de Madrid (Community of Madrid)
      It was discussed how to access the environmental legislations of the Community of Madrid and what interesting resources to consider, such as the environmental mapping viewer, the image collection, the monthly bulletin, the digital file repository "Publica Madrid" or "SINA", which brings together flows, databases and information on environmental requests. Información y documentación ambiental en la Comunidad de Madrid. Mª José Gallego
    • Fase inicial de un repositorio institucional. Elena Morato. AEMET
      The steps to create an open source repository were explained, using the AEMET experience.
    • We ended the morning with the working groups, which on this occasion were:
      • Small Libraries / Parks, coordinated by Agustín Sánchez. The participants of this group were very interested in the Koha document management program that was implemented in the library of the OA National Parks and defined the planning to follow in the near future.
      • Opacs, coordinated by Teresa Antolín. The term OPAC was changed to Catalogs and Collections on the RECIDA website and the existing links were revised.
      • Center Files, coordinated by Rosario Toril. The existing file was revised as there were fields that had not been updated and it was decided to include others. Some thesaurus were revised so that each center can later define its collections thematically and use them to search the web.
      • Marketing and Social Networks, coordinated by Montse Grabolosa

    The Experience and Bulletin working groups no longer exist, as the planning part has been completed: both the experience and bulletins files have been defined. Mabel Fernández will continue to be responsible for publishing the new bulletins, and Rosario Toril will promote the completion of more experience reports and publish them on the RECIDA portal.

    After lunch, the tour of the CENEAM "Paisajes de guerra" (War Landscapes) was led by Antonio Moreno.

    • The afternoon was dedicated to the workshop on the medioambiente en Wikipedia. Concurso Wiki Loves Earth. Jesús Tramullas. Universidad de Zaragoza (University of Zaragoza).
      After an introduction to the philosophy of Wikipedia, the rights in Wikipedia and the ease of use and inclusion of data (verified and referenced) and images, the possibility of submitting photos to participate in the "Wiki Loves Earth" contest and provide images to share our protected areas was discussed.


    We ended this day with a little video we made for Cristina Garcia to her upcoming retirement.

    The regional dinner was enlivened as on other occasions, by Josep Melero reading of the poem “La biblioteca” by Roberto Juarroz and exchanging books. Susana Fernandez sang a hymn she composed for RECIDA, which was received with great applause by all. On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the second part of "Don Quixote" (1615), this year there was also a theatrical representation of some scenes from this work, performed by some seminar participants and coordinated by Alejandro del Moral.

    Friday, 9th May 2015

    • We began by recalling 2014-2015 memory, in which we reviewed the commitments made in the previous seminar.
      • Organize a conference of Environmental Documentation Centers in Catalonia to expand contacts, collaborate and coordinate the centers for this topic in this communit
      • Distribution list. It was positively evaluated that there is no moderator of the list, as this speeds up the sending of messages and the incidents that occurred are generally of low importance. It is recommended that the subject of the message be clearly stated in the subject line. It is considered essential that each center joining the network be added to the list.
      • Revise and update the bulletins of the centers connected to the RECIDA portal.
      • Portal. The link to the catalogs of the centers will be added, for which a new section will be created on the Network's website.
      • The proposals made by Ángel Poveda in the last seminar were evaluated, but for the moment it was decided to wait for the right moment.

    Working groups:

    • Experience Working Group: Some centers were able to fill out some forms and they were posted on the portal. Some others were filled out during the seminar.
    • Publications Group. Mabel Fernández (CENEAM) is responsible for uploading the bulletins to the RECIDA portal.
    • Small/park libraries. Agustín Sánchez of OA Parques Nacionales (National Parks) implemented Koha as a document manager in his library and saw opportunities for other national parks to join.
    • Marketing and Social Networks. World Environment Days and other related events were publicized. We also disseminated topics and events of interest to RECIDA on Twitter and Facebook.


    Collaborative projects:

    • Bibliographic guide to environmental interpretation. Coordinated and designed by CENEAM and reviewed by Jorge Morales, expert in the field and coordinator of the Seminar on Environmental Interpretation.
    • Participation in the National Environmental Congress - CONAMA- (November 24-27, 2014) with two thematic guides on biodiversity and mobility, and transport and distribution of brochures of the network.
    • Translation into Spanish and Catalan of the document Repere, on electronic resources for students, available only in French.
    • Presence of RECIDA at environmental and library congresses. A poster about the network will be accepted at the XIV Jornadas Españolas de Documentación (May 28-30 2015, Gijón).


    Proposals for 2015-2016:

    • Establishment of RECIDA as an association, with bylaws, a fee, in a personal and non-institutional capacity, as environmental documentation professionals.
    • Updating and expanding the list of electronic resources. Rosa Escobar from PN Monfragüe (Monfragüe NP) and María del Mar González de la Peña. Agrarias y Ambientales Usal (Agricultural and Environmental Usal)
    • Mercedes Barreno offers ICI magazine to find economic environmental information.
    • Join projects:
      • Completion of the Guide to Environmental Interpretation.
      • Guide to Environmental Interpretation. CEIDA will coordinate and will also try to do the layout. The guide will be presented at the next Participation Seminar organized by CENEAM in 2016.
      • Bibliographic guide on climate change and guide on protected areas. CENEAM will be responsible for the coordination and layout.
    • Working groups:
      • Small libraries / Parks. Planning is made (Appendix 1)
      • Central maps. The new form will be sent to the distribution list for each center to complete. It is decided to use the of the (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment) Thesaurus to describe the topics matter of the centers. http://aplicaciones2.magrama.es/dinamicas/biblioteca_ama/ma1spa.html
        Each center can use up a maximum of 8 descriptors.
      • Opacs. Each center will put its link to the catalog and the group will conduct monitoring (Annex 2).
      • Marketing and social media. It was agreed to create a Twitter account, celebrate 2 or 3 environmental anniversaries (including the celebration of RECIDA Day on September 17, for which, among other actions, Javier Puertas of Europarc-Spain will coordinate a photo contest), create 2 videos (one introducing RECIDA and the other about the last Seminar) and develop a marketing product. (Annex 3)
    • Portal:
      • Jesús Tramullas will look into the possibility of linking Facebook content to the web, as he has encountered technical problems so far.
      • Centers are encouraged to post more content on the portal. CEDREAC uses it frequently, using Hootsite to post on different social networks and achieve wide dissemination of its courses and events.


    In addition, the following duties continue to be performed:

    • Monitoring grants and subsidies by all RECIDA members.
    • Continuing to disseminate, collaborate and expand the Network to universities and centers in our autonomous communities. CENEAM will search the Internet for new centers, taking into account those centers selected at the I Conference on Documentation in Catalonia. When a RECIDA center knows of a candidate for the network, it should inform CENEAM.
    • Inter-library cooperation between the centers will continue (donation of publications, articles, loans, joint participation in congresses, etc.).


    Some dissemination videos created by RECIDA members were then shown:

    • Vídeo RECIDA 2014. Chelo Pons.
    • Vídeos RECIDA del centro de documentación del CENEAM y del Centro de Documentación del Agua y Medio Ambiente de Zaragoza.
    • Vídeo Emakumeak – Mujeres. Jacinto Prieto. Ingurugela


    Some means to facilitate the daily work were discussed. Montse Grabolosa, Rosario Toril and the Advisory Committee:

    • Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria. This website was presented and showed the interesting resources it contains.
    • Propiedad intelectual. The Subdirección General de Propiedad Intelectual del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Subdirectorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports) can help with questions on this subject that arise in the management of the documentation. Contacto
    • And they were left in the pipeline due to lack of time:
      • “Paper.li” as a tool to create an automatic virtual journal with content from Facebook, Twitter…
      • Storify” to tell events or stories by collecting in one place photos, social network messages, PPT presentations, etc.
      • Deepening in Wikitravel, Wikivoyage, Wikiquote…


    We ended the morning with the following experiences:

    • 1ª Jornada sobre Documentación Ambiental en Cataluña. Montse Grabolosa. PN Garrotxa, Concha de Llobet. Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitaty Josep Melero. Diputación de Barcelona
      The experiences and the balance of the organization of these conferences, carried out in collaboration with several administrations, were discussed.
    • Año internacional de los suelos. Clara Blanco. Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias del CSIC.
      Materials and actions of the (Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the CSIC) for the International Year of Soils were presented: Soil Profiles, Maps, Exhibitions... 
    • 2015 Año Internacional de la Luz: Apaga la luz y cuéntame un cuento. Teresa Canyelles. CDRE Collserola
      Resources were explained and materials shown that the CDRE of PN Collserola (Collserola NP) uses to work on the Año international de la Luz (International Year of Light): Suitcases with documents and puppets, materials about bats... for all target groups.


    Finally, the participants evaluated the seminar, which was very positive.

  • Participants

    Antolín García, Teresa

    Documentary Center from CENEAM

    Barreno Ruiz, Mercedes

    Geological and Mining Institute of Spain. Publications Service

    Blanco Temprano, Clara María

    Agrarian Science Institute from Superior Council of Scientific Research

    Borràs Lorente, Mª José

    Library from Botanic Garden José Pizcueta

    Calatayud Cros, Liduvina

    Mediacciona. Environmental Mediation Initiative

    Canyelles Isern, Teresa Serra de Collserola Natural Park Consortium
    Dobarganes Pestaña, Ana

    Documentation and Resources Centre for Environmental Education in Cantabria. CEDREAC

    Escobar Paniagua, Rosa

    Natural Park Monfragüe

    Fernández Cuesta, Francisco

    Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Publications Centre

    Fernández Herrero, Susana

    FUHEM Ecosocial

    Gallego Muñoz, Mª José

    Community of Madrid. Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territorial Planning. Environmental Information and Documentation Department.

    García Fernández, Cristina

    Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment

    García García, Sara Information Area and Environmental Document. Regional Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning of the Community of Madrid
    García Valcárcel, Carmen

    Documentary Center from CENEAM

    González de la Peña, Mª del Mar

    Library of the Agrarian and Environmental Faculty. University of Salamanca

    Grabolosa Sellabona, Montse

    Natural Park Zona Volcánica Garrotxa

    Gutiérrez Fernández-Tresguerres, Luis

    Library from Coal Institute. Superior Council of Scientific Research

    Hernández de la Cruz, Mª Irene

    Library of Basic Sciences Carlos Bas. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

    Herranz Aparicio, Gema

    Documentary Center from CENEAM

    Llobet Jorba, Concha de
    Environment Documentary Center. Department of Territory and Sustainability
    Lozano Torres, Mercedes

    Natural Space Doñana. Administrative Center El Acebuche

    Matesanz Miguel, Isabel

    Documentary Center from CENEAM

    Melero Bellmunt, Josep

    Pedagogy Program and Natural Spaces Area Divulgation Unit. Council of Barcelona

    Merino Naranjo, Dulce Mª

    Mancha Blanca Visitor and Interpretation Center. Timanfaya N.P

    Molina Bosquet, José Eduardo

    Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Regional Government of Andalusia

    Monteiro Robles, Yolanda

    Environmental Education Documentation Service. Barcelona City Council

    Moral Fernández del Rincón, Alejandro del

    Interpretation and Doc umentation Center of Water and Wetlands of La Mancha

    Morato Pérez, Elena

    Library of the State Meteorological Agency

    Moreno Rodríguez, Antonio

    Documentary Center from CENEAM

    Morón Merchante, Isabel

    National Museum of Natural Sciences. Superior Council ofScientific Research

    Nieva López de Araya, Ana Mª

    Library of Sciences. University of Navarra

    Pardo Cereijo, Ana Belén

    University Extension and Environmental Dissemination Center of Galicia. Environmental Documentary Center Domingo Quiroga

    Pino Díaz, José

    Natural Space of Sierra Nevada

    Pons Pons, Mª Consuelo

    United Nations Depository Library. University of Valencia.

    Prieto Vicente, Jacinto


    Primo Peña, Elena

    National Library of Health Sciences. Institute Carlos III

    Puertas Blázquez, Javier

    Fundación González Bernáldez. EUROPARC Spain

    Quintela Álvarez, Salomé

    National Park Atlantic Islands from Galicia

    Salvador Vega, Mª José

    Documentary Center of Natural Spaces. Autonomy University of Madrid

    Sánchez Marchán, Agustín

    National Parks Autonomous Organization. Central Services

    Satué Otín, Josué

    CDAMAZ. Documentary Center of Water and Environment. Local Government of Zaragoza

    Tafalla Plana, Montserrat

    Depository Library from the UN. University of Barcelona

    Toril Moreno, Rosario

    Documentary Center from CENEAM

    Tramullas Saz, Jesús

    Dept. of Documentation Sciences. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. University of Zaragoza

    Vicente i Canillas, Jordi

    Documentary Center of the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park

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