XIX Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas


Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen XIX Minitegia
XIX Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
XIX  Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i d´Espais Naturals Protegits

Place and dates

Algunos participantes en el XIX Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental y Espacios Naturales Protegidos

Online, October 1 and 2 2020


Rosario Toril. Documentary Center from CENEAM.
Alfonso Peña. Documentary and Resources Center for Environmental Education of the Government of Cantabria.
Mario Pérez-Montoro. Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media of the University of Barcelona.


Due to the COVID19 pandemic, we were unable to hold our annual meeting in person, which should have been held in Bértiz (Navarre) and was held virtually thanks to the offers of the platforms of both the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media of the University of Barcelona and CEDREAC. However, in the end we chose the CEDREAC's platform because it was better adapted to the required needs and we could know and control it better.

As a positive aspect of this new form of meeting, we can highlight the large number of participants, as there were 94 people from 17 Autonomous Communities and representatives from 13 National Parks and other natural spaces. Moreover, we had the opportunity to carry out new activities, such as the virtual ecoclub for reading and short environmental videos that could be a useful resource in our centers. This year, we replaced the guided tours with a virtual Escape Room in a natural area that tested all our ingenuity in solving the puzzles.

Seminar development

Thursday 1st October 2020

After a welcome to the Seminar by Mario Pérez-Montoro (University of Barcelona), Alfonso Peña (CEDREAC) and Rosario Toril (CENEAM), the way was opened to a video consisting of the presentation of all the participants along with a recommendation for an environmental resource.

We then watched a video by Chelo Pons from the ONUBiB Library of the University of Valencia to remember the experience of the 2019 Seminar and to introduce new participants to the dynamics of this type of meeting. Then, Rosario Toril from CENEAM commented on the RECIDA Report on the actions carried out since July 2019, some of which were within the established plan and others were new, such as the participation in the COP25 in Madrid.

Afterwards, Elena Escolano, Head of the Library Area of the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation and expert in standardization, spoke about the recent changes in cataloging standards.

After a short break, the following assistants reported on their experiences and reflections:

Afterwards, Isidro Aguillo, Director of the Cybermetrics Laboratory (Scimago Group) of the Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP - CSIC) and member of the RECIDA Advisory Committee, explained to us the Sustainable Development Goals Web Metrics.

We ended the first day of the seminar with a digital adventure that consisted of a 360-degree interactive virtual tour of the natural space “The stone age'', designed and led by Alfonso Peña, from CEDREAC. 

And to end the day, there was an autonomous toast in which Teresa Canyelles read an emotional note written by Josep Melero, master of this type of ceremony, followed by the poem "Friendship along", by Jaime Gil de Biedma, which he had chosen for this so special year.

Friday 2nd October 2020

We started the morning with an experience that we wanted to know how it was handled in other environments. For this purpose, Yolanda de la Iglesia Sánchez and Isabel Gómez Svensson described the Management of an e-book platform in their institution, the Instituto Cervantes.

This was followed by the debate: Environmental documentation in times of COVID-19. Teleworking and remote services. Elena Primo from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Health Institute Carlos III), gave a general overview of the situation we are in and gave the floor to several centers that explained their activities during the confinement:

During the intermission, Alessandro Pierozzi of the Centro de Documentación de Medio Ambiente, Ordenación del Territorio y Sostenibilidad de la Comunidad de Madrid, who is not only a librarian, but also is a pianist, writer and music educator, played two movements from a Beethoven sonata.

Proposals were then made for their implementation by the next seminar in 2021:

  • Creation of a book club group. Marga Muñóz of CDAMAZ proposed that the centers compile a set of books that can be lent to those who want to organize this activity. The novel Hajira, used for this seminar, will be used in the ecoclub of CDAMAZ in November. Víctor Manuel Luna, from the Villarrubia de los Ojos City Council, offers the book En el río muerto by Francisco Gómez Porro.
  • RECIDA Ebook Platform. In several centers there is interest in accessing the EBiblio platform of Public Libraries. Steps are being taken to identify technological and budgetary requirements.
  • Updating thematic guides: Heritage Interpretation (end of 2020), Biodiversity, Green I read you green (April 2, 2021, International Children's and Young People's Book Day), climate change. The possibility of creating a Doñana guide will be explored in collaboration with the National Park and the Doñana Biological Station.
  • Film and environmental catalog. José Manuel Estrada from Hospital 12 de Octubre, and Pilar García, from the Community of Madrid will be in charge of this project.
  • Meeting and calendar of the social networks group. A meeting is planned for next week with the people who will collaborate in the social networks of the network to organize the tasks and schedule.
  • Strengthening Alliances. Marga Muñoz of CDAMAZ noted that we need to strengthen relationships with environmental journalists, as is the case with APIA.
  • Review of centers located in protected areas.
  • Improvement of Wikipedia and Vikipèdia pages and realization of the most important points to consider when editing a page in this medium. Isidro Aguillo notes that in general social networks are ephemeral, but Wikipedia pages persist, and Rosario Toril, from CENEAM, stresses the importance of being present on Wikipedia, since it is very known and much used.
  • Chelo Pons, from the United Nations Depository Library at the University of Valencia, notes that the United Nations Bulletin can publish the activities of RECIDA centers.
  • Several members of the network will participate in the Information Management Conference, organized by SEDIC, which will be held on April 14-16, 2021 at the National Library of Spain in Madrid. They will also contribute to the publication CLIP.
  • Submitting an entry for the IFLA Green Libraries Award if the topic is appropriate.
  • Joint celebration of environmental anniversaries.
  • Dissemination of the network by all centers in their activities and on the internet.
It was announced that Mario Pérez-Montoro, Professor at the University of Barcelona, has become a member of the RECIDA Advisory Committee, a position he has accepted and which was previously agreed upon with the current committee.

Since there was a large group of professionals who might be interested in a proposal for a common subscription of resources, Carlos Campa of Ebsco presented us several environmental databases and the possibility that certain centers could join these benefits.

Afterwards we had the opportunity to participate in a reading Ecoclub de lectura: Novels as a tool for environmental awareness, sensitization and education, which was intended to serve as an example of a resource to be used by the centers. Led by Ignacio Santos, who gave a general presentation, and with the presence of Francisco Serrano, author of the work Hajira, and Teresa Moreno, climate scientist, the participants commented on this novel.

Pedro Piñeiro, director of Ecozine, the Zaragoza International Film and Environmental Festival, took advantage of the fact that we were in a virtual environment, presented a series of short films on environmental issues that we watched and reflected on how videos are a good resource for learning and raising awareness about environmental issues.

We closed the seminar with a farewell drink and watched the video made on the occasion of RECIDA's anniversary on September 17. An electronic evaluation was sent to the participants.

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